Leaderboard WIDGET

Tippers leaderboard on the stream

Why would a streamer need a leaderboard widget?

Inspires to keep
Every viewer is delighted to know that their tip won't go unnoticed. If they find themselves on the leaderboard, it's even more rewarding and encourages them to continue tipping and remain on the list.
Creates a sense of competition
It's not just about making it onto the tippers' rankings; sometimes, being the best is what matters. Viewers take pride in being the top contributor for the month or the one who made the most significant contribution to new equipment. Occasionally, viewers simply enjoy the thrill of winning
Closing the ranks of the audience
The most active members of the community get to know each other when they see other people in the TOP. This strengthens the community: they are no longer alone in their support for the channel. They now have someone to rely on.

What's the catch

Топ донатеров и бегущая строка

The list of tippers as a ticker

You can showcase the top tippers not only in list form but also as a scrolling ticker. You have the flexibility to select the header style and control the scrolling speed of the ticker."
The list of tippers as a ticker
You can showcase the top tippers not only in list form but also as a scrolling ticker. You have the flexibility to select the header style and control the scrolling speed of the ticker."
Топ донатеров и бегущая строка

Data filtering for the leaderboard

The widget can gather tips data for specific calendar weeks and months, as well as provide a relative view for the last 7, 30, or 90 days.
Настройка ТОПа донатеров
Настройка виджета ТОПа донатеров

Highly customizable

The leaderboard widget is very customizable, giving you control over position, colors, transparency, shadows, stroke, and more.
Highly customizable
The leaderboard widget is very customizable, giving you control over position, colors, transparency, shadows, stroke, and more.
Настройка виджета ТОПа донатеров
логотип Donatty
Sign up for Donatty from your computer
ссылка на виджет алерта о донате
Go to WidgetsNotifications and copy the link to the widget
Добавить ссылку на алерт о донате в OBS
Paste the link to OBS via Menu — Source — Browser
Sign up and start accepting tips
Customize your tipping page, show alerts on your stream, and instantly withdraw money to your bank card
Sign Up
Sign up and start accepting tips
Customize your tipping page, show alerts on your stream, and instantly withdraw money to your bank card
Sign up
Donatty is a tipping platform for streamers. The platform provides tools to customize and display tips on the stream with widgets like alerts, leaderboard, goal progress bar, and much more. Tips on the stream are accepted via bank cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay. Works with OBS and XSplit. All rights belong to LLC "DONATTY".
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